A downloadable megastructure dungeon

A mega earthquake happens all over Nüearth. At the Utara Nation, a huge cracks opened directly at the Business District, leaving a big gap of unknown darkness lurks beneath it.

Next day, a megastructure erected, right at the middle of the gap, supported by a towering grounds from the darkness below. At the top of the structure, a visible neon sign shine bright, brighter than any company logos all across the district. Its read "Office23".

Explore the modern dungeon, filled with terror, mystery, traps and things that might drive you insane. Mainly agnostic, can be narative-based or dice-based gameplay. From d4 up to d12, explore what lies inside the megastructure itself.

Will you find the truth?
Or the Truth will find you..


A take on #dungeon23 initated by Sean McCoy via his substack

Despite having a rad front cover that took 5 minutes to make on Canva, the pages of the dungeon's details and their maps are in their purest form: white background, all text. It will make me easier to do revisions in the future.

Planned to release an update every month. While in the interim, you can check updates, lores, bestiary (sort of) and supplemental random tables on my blog here.


This work is released under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.



Development log

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